Jayce Isaac

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Jay Jay

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Picture Tag

Cousin K over at her blog tagged me for this fun photo game. You're supposed to go to your picture files, open the 6th folder and post the 6th picture in that folder. I, being at work had to improvise a little bit so I went to my facebook page and found my 6th album and found this picture:

This is one of the pictures captured at mine and Randy's wedding on 8/6/2005. Seems like so long ago and boy do we look young! I had all the decorations that day in plum and I wanted to go with a candlelight wedding theme without being too dark to not show up in pictures. This was one of the best days of my life and I am so glad I am married to my best friend. I love Randy and hope we have many more wonderful years together. It's incredible to me that we will soon be welcoming our first little wonderful edition to this family and I hope its the first of many!

I am tagging:

1. Kym

2. Lisa

3. Shannon

4. Britt


Karen said...

Your wedding was beautiful - I'm glad I got to be there. It's hard to believe that was almost four years ago!

Amy said...

Thank you so much:) I wouldn't have changed anything about my wedding, it was definitely exactly how I wanted it:) I know it seems like it was just yesterday when I got married but time flies thats for sure!