Jayce Isaac

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Jay Jay

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy 1 Week Birthday Baby Jayce

Happy Birthday Baby Jayce. Today marks not only my original due date but also Week 1 of Jayce being here. I wanted to put on here a log or diary of sorts marking his schedule and how he is doing. I know this probably won't be too interesting for most but this will help me for whenever I have another newborn...which should be a few years from now. Anyways on to the Summary:
I have since Jay Jay implemented a Babywise Schedule with both of my children. With Jay Jay I didn't do cry it out until he was older and I also rocked him to sleep when he was a baby, because I just wanted to hold him all the time. This caused some habits that weren't too bad to break but I was sure that I didn't want to have these issues with Jayce so I have implemented the laying him down while he's awake and let him teach himself to fall asleep. So far so good!
At the start of the week Jayce was super tired and I had to work to keep him awake for every feeding. On Monday night my third night home from the hospital he didn't do as great with sleep at night. He didn't want to sleep but during the day Monday he was so very sleepy and I had to work to keep him awake. I believe this was due to his Jaundice. He had a mild case of it and did not want to wake up. Plus he has some reflux which I knew he had because Jay Jay had it and it shows all the signs that he had. Plus I would say Jayce's reflux is more Silent Reflux because he will while he's eating and sometimes afterwards sound like he's throwing up and then swallow it- this is termed Silent Reflux. Well Randy mentioned to me on Monday night at about 4 he said maybe we need to prop his bed, which was a brillant idea since I had to do this with Jay Jay. So I immediately put a pillow underneath his mattress to prop the bed slightly. Ever since that day he has slept wonderfully at night as well as his naps. I nurse him 15 minutes on each side every 2 1/2 to 3 hours. It's ranging mainly on the 3 hour side I have been noticing. If Jayce wakes up before this time seeming to be hungry of course I feed him but if he is sleeping during the day and hasn't woken up at the 3 hour mark I will wake him up and feed him. Jayce is an extremely sleepy baby, even more so than Jay Jay so I have to work a lot of the times to keep him awake. I will take him out of his swaddle and I will tickle his toes and feet. In between sides I will change his diaper. Overall just work at waking him up.
Jayce is a much easier burper than Jay Jay. With Jay Jay I had to do pretty much everything except stand on my head to get him to burp and even then there were times he just wouldn't do it. Jayce is a breeze to burp. I put him high on my shoulder and it only takes a few moments and I get good burps out of him. I'm very thankful for this since with his reflux it is vital to get a good burp out of him.
With Babywise there is a trick that the book says is very important and I have found this to be true. The book states to have Eating, Wake time and then sleep. This is vital because it teaches the baby to fall asleep on its own instead of relying on mom to feed him/her to sleep.  Plus you know if you're baby is waking in his sleep not long after you fed him and put him down that it is probably not due to being hungry.
So far I have found 45 minutes to be a good time for Jayce to fall asleep. I have found if he goes any longer than 50 minutes than he will have the hardest time to fall asleep and will look around and not fall asleep as quickly. I know this doesn't make much sense because people think if I keep my baby up longer he'll sleep longer. Not true. What happens is your baby tends to be overstimulated and doesn't sleep as well. So for now 45 minutes is the key for wake time. I have to be careful as well that when Jayce is around Jay Jay that he doesn't get overstimulated. Jay Jay loves Jayce and wants to hold him but I have to limit his time that he does this because it tends to overstimulate.
Night time Sleep:
Day 2
Jayce ate at 2:06am, 4:00am, 6:45am, and then he finally woke up at 9:30. This is to be expected for one he didn't have his bed on an incline at this time. It was his first night home. Plus I hadn't got in the routine of setting a morning wake time. Which the morning wake time is essential in scheduling baby's day. Having a different morning wake time everyday will confuse the baby with his schedule and might possibly not get all the feedings in that are needed for the day. 8-10 feedings a day are the recommended amount.
Day 3
Jayce ate at 12:30, 2:30, 5, and woke up at 8am.  This was the night that was so rough. He decided to stay awake from 2:30-4 and finally fell asleep at 4 where we then inclined his bed.
Day 4
This night was much better He woke up 12:30, 4:00, 7:00 and 9:30. Still didn't set his wake time for the morning but I will begin to set it the next night.
Day 5
This night he woke up 12am, 4am, and had a morning wake up time at 8am.
Day 6
This night wake up times were 10, 3am and had a morning wake up time at 8am. This was an awesome night of only one wake up time.
Day 7
This night wake up times were 12, 4, and 8am wake up time.  As you can tell Jayce seems to be getting in the groove finally.
Naps are going fabulous so far. I only had one day where he missed his nap and I know this was due to a late lay down as well as way too much stimulation. It was on Day 5 after his 11:00 wake up feeding time. I had allowed Jay Jay to hold him and it took me awhile to feed him as well. For the other naps he has been able to go down on his own without any crying and actually been awake every time I lay him down. He right now is swaddled for every nap and night time sleeping. He seems to really like his swaddle and doesn't fight it too much. He does have a pacifier but really doesn't use it much. The first few days I used it while he slept but he seems to prefer not to use it.
Overall things have been going great. I am so thankful and blessed. For myself my healing is going great as well. I have barely any bleeding anymore thankfully and just a tad sore. After Tuesday I haven't had to take any motrin. I just have been very blessed with a smooth delivery and now I can say I have had a smooth recovery so far as well.