Just wanted to announce that Randy and I are expecting again. I have to say this has been so hard to keep a secret these past weeks. We wanted to wait until our ultrasound before we made any announcement about our sweet baby bud growing inside of me. Sooo, right now I am around 7 1/2 weeks pregnant. I am already at the end of my morning sickness I think, hopefully, and feeling great. We had the ultrasound on thursday and got to see our baby and heartbeat as well as hear the heartbeat beat beating away! Because I had a somewhat rough delivery for Jay Jay the Doctor said I would have an ultrasound at 36 weeks to find out just how the big the baby is and if it is any where near as big as Jay Jay was at the 7 lbs 14 oz then they will induce me early so I have less complications. I love my doctor and she has been a blessing to me. She was the doctor I saw for my miscarriage and she has been so supportive and sweet through the whole experience. I'm just so blessed that we got pregnant so soon and that everything is going great. I found out I was pregnant on March 2nd and had to keep that little secret quiet to myself for the past few weeks. We will find out the sex of the baby when I am around 18-22 weeks so when it get's closer to time we will post a little poll to see what people are guessing this one will be. Anyways, keep us continually in our prayers!
Brinley Preteen Summary: 12.5 Years Old
8 hours ago