Let me just start off this post by saying this has been a rather difficult beginning of the year already, but I know that there is a reason why everything has been going on and I feel like my family is on the brink of some amazing things with our ministries! On that note Jay Jay the past two weeks has been dealing with several health issues: bronchilitus, conjunctivitis, double ear infections (even though he had tubes put in his ears!), and an upper respatory viral infection. Needless to say it hasn't been fun in our house. In the meantime Randy and I have both been dealing with an upper respatory viral infection and sinisitis. I'm ready to take Mr. Sickness and turn him around and give a very swift and hard kick in the rump and throw him out of our house. Thankfully, I do believe that we are all on the edge of the end of our sickness.
On another note, I am beginning another Photography workshop which I have heard great things about. It's Rock Your Camera 101. I was really struggling with whether or not to do this workshop or just to skip it and move to 201 but I have heard such great things about it and decided to start with 101, even though I think I truly am understanding manual on my camera. Also on the processing side of things I have been really looking into what I what my style of processing of my pictures to be. There are really so many to choose from but as of right now I am leaning towards Michelle Kane's style. I absolutely love her photography and her post-processing rocks.Well needless to say I have taken a few pictures that I took a few months ago and re-edited them and tried my new processing. I think for the most part I am very pleased with the results. Any input would be great on what everyone thinks!
Monster Question
11 hours ago
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