Tonight was a huge feat for my baby boy. We moved him to his big boy bed and he has done great so far. He cried a little bit longer tonight but finally went to sleep. When we went to check on him he was there on his belly curled into a little ball in the middle of the bed. He looked sooo tiny in the bed compared to how he looks in his crib. I wanted to make sure by the time baby Jayce comes that Jay Jay knows he has his own big boy room and that his old room is the baby room and that he doesn't feel jealousy or upset with baby Jayce being in his old room. Potty training should begin soon for Jay Jay we were starting it a week ago but VBS made us stop and wait for a little while to start up again.
Things with baby Jayce are going great thus far. He is definitely a lot lower than Jay Jay was. When I carried Jay Jay he was way high up but with Jayce he's the exact opposite. It will be interesting to see if there personalities will be similar or not.
Also I have to post a picture of my baby boy Jay Jay. This is a picture we took of him while we were on vacation in Gatlinburg this year.
Monster Question
13 hours ago
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