I was scheduled for an induction for Friday November 4th for 6:00 am in the morning. I had been having contractions on and off for about a week and thought it might be possible I would go early but no...that just wasn't going to happen. My last Dr appointment the doctor stated I was 3 cm dilated and 50% effaced. I was so anxious the night before that I struggled to fall asleep. When I finally went to sleep I was rudely awaken to the call of my bladder at 2:30 am and then got the Little Einstein's song stuck in my head for the following hour. Finally fell back asleep and woke up at 5am to realize I was going to be able to hold my son. This was his birthday and I couldn't wait to see him. I was admitted at 6 am but they didn't begin the pitocin until 8am. When they began the pitocin they checked me and I was 3 1/2 cm dilated 50% effaced and -2 station. At 11am they broke my bag of waters, which was the oddest feeling in the world. At that point I was 4 cm dilated 75% effaced and 0 station. At 12pm I was really feeling the contractions and decided now might be a good time to get my epidural. Due to them having an emergency c-section they couldn't give me my epidural right away so instead they gave me a little pain medication to help. I will say it felt great at first. The pain medication made me feel furry. I don't know how else to explain it I felt warm and furry all over. An hour later the anthesiologist came in to give me my epidural. I was very ready at this point because the contractions were getting stronger and stronger and I needed that pain medicine. At 2pm they checked me and I was dilated to a 5 and only an hour later they check me and I was a 7. I began to feel some of the pain so I hit my wonderful epidural button and then had bliss again after the third hit. At 3:30 I begin to feel pressure and they checked me and I was ready to go!! 29 minutes later and 8 pushes later Jayce entered into the world. They let me pull him out when he was born which was such a neat experience. Jayce Isaac born at 3:59pm. He is 7 lbs 10 oz 20 1/2 inches long. He is doing great! He latched on like a champ and is continuing to nurse. He looks just like Jay Jay except for his mouth is Randy's mouth for sure. Jayce seems to be a really calm baby. He has been great so far and such a blessing. My experience this time with delivery was awesome! I had a nurse named Angela that was a godsend and my Dr, Dr Bartlett was awesome as usual. Dr. Bartlett did have to snip me just a little bit so I have a second degree tear but it's super duper small so recovery should be much better this time around. I only was in labor for 7 hours which I am super happy about. I am so blessed and thankful for everything God has given me. Praise the Lord for such a beautiful family!
Monster Question
11 hours ago
Welcome to the world Little One!
Praying for you, Amy!
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