Is this your first baby? Yes and I've never been more excited about something!
Were you trying to get pregnant? Yes we were.
How far along were you when you found out? I was four weeks
What was your reaction? Holy cow we finally did it!!
How did you tell the father? It was right when I woke up in the morning and I woke Randy up and I said I think I see another line please come look and in fact he did as well!
What was his reaction?We did it!
When is your due date?September 8, 2009
Did you have any morning sickness?I didn't throw up thankfully but I did feel nauseous from 6 weeks to the beginning of 9 weeks.
Did you want a boy or girl?I really don't care either way. We plan on having a big family so it doesn't matter.
Do you know what you’re having?Not yet but we plan on finding out.
Do you plan on a natural or medicated birth? I'm a big baby and don't think I could take a natural birth so I plan on a medicated one.
Are you scared about labor? Honestly not yet. I don't think about it much but I'm sure when it gets closer I'll be nervous about it.
Do you think you will cry when you see the baby for the first time? I'm sure I will. What an awesome experience I will be going through.
Who is going to be with you? Randy, his mom and dad, and my mom and dad. ( If they want to be in there anyways)
Are you going to video tape it? Not the actual birth but I'd like to videotape when the baby is out and everything.
Do you know what you will say to the baby when you first hold it?Hmm no clue definitely not planning on what I'm going to say!
Do you have a name picked out? Yes but we aren't going to say until we find out if it's a boy or girl
Is your baby going to be named after anyone?See above note.
What do you think the baby will be a "daddy’s girl/boy" or a "mommy’s girl/boy"? Doesn't matter to me I just want a healthy sweet little baby!
Monster Question
8 hours ago
big big congrats! we are expecting too! i'm actually due sept 20 so i'm just a little bit behind you! so glad i found your blog! congrats again!
Yay! Congratulations to you as well! Hope things are going well for you guys! Will definitely have to check out your blog!
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