So thankfully my baby has been sleeping through the night for the past week. Yay! Jay Jay is getting so big and I can't believe how fast babies grow. He went to his two month appointment monday and we were informed he is 13 lbs 15 oz, 24 1/2 inches long and in the 95th percentile for height and weight. Yay!! He's a big boy it looks like. He is still on his reflux medicine and his dosage was upped due to his weight. Unfortunately he seems to not like anytime I drink milk so I have to take that out of my diet until he's six months and then I'll be able to reintroduce it into my diet and see how it goes. He was given two shots and one oral shot:( Poor baby! But he's been doing really well since having the shots. We did find out he has an umbilical hernia but not big enough for them to do surgery on. The doctor said that he could have the hernia until he's five but it will eventually go away. Also today was the first day my baby actually reached for me. He did it twice and it was the most amazing thing in the world. I love my baby so much and am so proud of him!
Monster Question
9 hours ago
Hooray on the sleeping through the night. We all know how important that is!
So glad to hear things are going well. Mommyhood is amazing, isn't it? I can't wait to see and hold Jay! He's going to be SO big before we get to see him! Love you guys!
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