Just wanted to put a quick post on what's going on in our lives. Jay Jay has been dealing with ear infections, and raspy for the past few days but unfortunately took a turn and began throwing up, had diarrhea, pale skin and blue lips. So we rushed him to Children's Hospital to have him looked at and they put him on several medecations and diagnosed him with bronchilitis, double ear infections, and gastro-intestinal virus. They kept him over night and thankfully he i doing much better. If he continues doing great he will get to go home today in the afternoon. Please continue to pray for a speedy recovery for him. Thanks!
Brinley Preteen Summary: 12.5 Years Old
4 hours ago
Amy - we are praying for Jay Jay!! In fact I couldn't sleep well last night and I was praying for you guys in the middle of the night. Let us know how things are going! How awful!! Love you!
Thank you so much for your prayers. Little Jay Jay is doing so much better. They discharged him early this afternoon and we went home and he is smiling and happy. He still sounds rattly but difinitely better.
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