By now, your baby weighs 3.75 pounds and is about 16.7 inches long, taking up a lot of space in your uterus. You're gaining about a pound a week and roughly half of that goes right to your baby. In fact, he'll gain a third to half of her birth weight during the next 7 weeks as he fattens up for survival outside the womb. He now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair. His skin is becoming soft and smooth as he plumps up in preparation for birth. (
Sorry I'm a few days late in posting this but Randy and I have been so busy the past week that I haven't had time to sit down and post anything. Things are continuing to great with little Jay Jay. I had my doctor appointment today where I found out Jay Jay is still head down, which I figured since I've been getting tons of kicks in my ribs and upper stomach. He is sooo active and I love every moment of it. Not much else is new. Just biding my time until little Jay Jay decides to make his appearance. I hope he decides to stay in their until he's fully ready! The Dr said that I am closed which is a good sign. No signs of labor as of yet, hallelujah. I'm not ready nor do I believe little Jay is ready to make his appearance.
Monster Question
11 hours ago
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