I wanted to place on here baby Jay's birth story so I could remember everything. I had a pretty long labor but am so glad to have my baby and would do it over again to have my baby with me.
Arrived at the hospital at 2:00 to be induced but was having mild contractions off and on. Was brought to the room at 2:15 and did paperwork until 3:10. Was hooked up to iv and began receiving one milliunit of pitocin at 4:10. Wasn't feeling much so at 4:40 they uped the pitocin to a 3. Was upped to a 5 at 5:15 and then a 7 at 5:50. Was starting to feel the contractions but wasn't in too much pain but decided to take the epidural so at 6:10 I received the epidural, which was not painful at all. at 9:00 my water was broken and I began receiving 10 milliunits of pitocin. At 10:30 I received 12 milliunits of pitocin. The max milliunits of pitocin that they usually give is 20 so I was past half of what they can give. At 1:50 the nurse checked me and I had jumped from a 3 to 6. At 2:10 I was checked again and was 8 centimeters dialated. I began feeling my epidural not working at around 4:00 and feeling the need to push. They checked me and I was fully dialated and efaced but the baby's head was positioned sunny side up. In turn I had to alternate being on my side so to turn the baby's head. At this point my epidural had completely worn off. They brought the anathesologist in several times but none of the times worked. I was at this time having contractions one right after another off the charts and was in extreme pain. I was continuously having the need to push and at 7:00 I could no longer control that. The doctor came in and moved the baby's head to the correct position and I began pushing. I pushed over and over and the doctor said that the baby was so large that I would have to have an episiotomy. So they gave me the episiotomy, which I could feel, and then used the vacuum to get the baby out. At 8:15 a.m. the baby was born at 7 lbs and 14.5 ounces at 21 inches long. I in turn did have a third degree tear but I am so very thankful that I was able to have my baby vaginally but I do wish that my epidural had worked at the end. I would do it all over again though to have my baby. Baby Jay's apgar score was 9/9 which is fabulous! He had an awful bruise on his head but now his head is back to a more normal shape and the bruise is going away. I'm feeling much better but definitely sore. I have to say the best moment would have to be when they took my baby when he came out and placed him on my chest and I could look down at this beautiful baby that was mine. My heart melted. That's my wonderful birth story.
Monster Question
11 hours ago
You're a real trouper, Amy! Jay's birth story has a lot of similarities to our first. We'll have to compare notes next time we're together. But we would do that anyway since we're women and one of our favorite things is to talk about our babies and how they got here! ;)
Love you & hope you're getting some rest and lots of great cuddling time with Baby Jay. (If you can get him away from your Mom...)
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