So two nights ago Jay Jay had a not so good night. He was up from 8:30-11:30. He finally fell asleep at 11:30 and then woke up at 12:30 and was up til 1:30 and then woke up at 2:00 to stay up til 5:30 to finally fall asleep til 8:00. He cried and cried the entire time he was awake and not really knowing what the problem was I fed him on and off thinking maybe he was cluster feeding or just hungry. Well I've come to realize that when I feed him he tends to get a raspy noise in his throat and pulls his legs up and balls his fist as if in pain. Well last night I realized he was on the start of this routine once again so I began to do a little research. What I found out was that little Jay had almost every symptom of reflux. So in turn I have began to try to burp him better after each side, hold him upright longer before he falls asleep and rub his back. All these things seem to calm him. My next step of action is to find a sleep positioner or something that will prop him up just enough so he can sleep without having the raspiness come into play. Last night I had him sleep in his car seat to see if the position helped and he slept like a dream last night. I didn't hear him rasping. If anyone has any advice on this subject, let me know! Anything would be greatly appreciated! Jay has a dr appointment on thursday so I will let the dr know about everything and hopefully get some solutions.
Monster Question
11 hours ago
Well my grandson Colton kind of did that at first. Britt propped him up on the boppy pillow some I think mainly during the day to sleep. Or sometimes in the swing. He has somewhat outgrown it but the frequent burping will help a great deal. I've even heard of propping the baby bed mattress up on one end to kind of put the baby at an angle. Of course you would want it to be steady. He's probalby not rolling around yet so he will pretty much stay put. This will probably pass after a few months. Sounds like you are on top of things and doing what's reccomended. Keep up the good work!
I was going to tell you what helped us, but Mom already did. :)
bless your heart! it must be very hard to see him being uncomfortable! it sounds like you are doing a good job as a mommy! keep your head up and this too shall pass! praying for you!
I don't have any advice about reflux but my youngest would only sleep two places:
1. my arms. ;)
2. her car-seat.
I think the seat propped her up and snuggled her better than her actual bed did. Babies have definite ideas about what they think is "comfy".
Good luck! You're a great little Mommy. Love you!
Aww thank you so much for the compliment:) We are going to try feeding him every two and half hours to get more feedings in a day hopefully that will help with him sleeping. But we get to talk to the pediatrician today to see what his raspiness and gurgling is all about. Hopefully it's just baby noises and nothing to worry about!
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