Your baby now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is growing bigger to make room for his developing brain. To meet his increasing nutritional demands, you'll need plenty of protein, vitamins C, folic acid, and iron. And because his bones are soaking up lots of calcium, be sure to drink your milk. This trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited in your baby's hardening skeleton each day. (
I don't know if I have mentioned this in the past but Jay Jay loves his daddy's voice. At nighttime when Randy and I are laying watching tv or just sitting their talking he moves sooo much. Randy will talk to him and he will just kick and push. I love that feeling. The amazing thing is I can now share every kick and push with Randy now that Jay Jay is able to kick so hard that you can see it. I love my husband and I love this baby and having this baby inside of me that's a part of Randy and myself is the most amazing thing in the world.
On another note I think my nesting phase is kicking into high gear. I don't think I've ever cleaned my house as much as I've done in the past few days. I have rearranged all my closets, taken everything out of the Jay's bathroom cabinet and placed all of Jay Jay's bath stuff in there. I have washed his newborn outfits and 0-3 months clothes. I also decided to use a bookshelf that my Papaw made me years ago for Jay's room. We painted the bookshelf the same color as the room and boy does it look great! Jay only has a few books so far so I spaced them out and put his stuffed animals on the shelf. Also Randy and I ordered the baby furniture friday which was very very exciting and I feel like we got a great deal on it! They told us that we should receive the furniture in 7-10 business days!! Yay!! I absolutely cannot wait!
Monster Question
9 hours ago
All of that is SO exciting! I absolutely cannot wait to meet my first nephew!!! Maybe I'll have to make a special trip to OH in September to see you guys.
I would absolutely love that! He's going to be one spoiled little boy:)
I'm so glad you're feeling good. I remember those days of "nesting" when having a clean, organized living space added to the good feelings.
I should probably tell you not to talk to your uncle "Pastor Dad" about those days in my own pregnancies as he will tell you all sorts of tall tales about me and wallpaper. He exaggerates, I tell ya!
Well, he might exaggerate slightly but I did have a tendency to take the "preparing the nest" thing a bit too far. Try not to do that, okay? Ladders and pregnant ladies are not supposed to mix.
Lol oh my goodness I don't plan on being on a ladder anytime soon. That's funny how everyone handles nesting differently. How is Laura and baby Gavin doing?
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